al hayball, alan hayball, artist, wildlifeart, pencil art,


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hare on a snail, hare art, snail art,

'Go your own way'- (Hare-on-a-Snail. )A/P

hedgehogs, snowdrop, wake up, spring is here!

'Wake Up!...Spring is here.''- A/P

'Weasel on a Worthog'- A/P

horse whisperer, horse art, pencil study,

'The Horse Whisperer'- A/P

'Lunchtime for Jay' - A/P

'Bertie' -A/P

'Young Hind'-A/P


An Urban fox I found sat on the compost heap in my
garden.Looking into her eyes, I imagine she is thinking:

'Leave me in peace, I am resting.
Its daytime and I have a long night ahead of me,
I am cold and trying to warm myself through the compost heap and the rays of the weak winter sun.
Tonight I shall have to work hard to find food, to get me through the night,
Whether it be discarded takeaways, berries, worms or even a mouse, it'll be a scavenge.
Please leave me in peace, I can't help being a fox.'

(A countryside fox lives over 12 years urban fox survives for only 2-3years.)

'Otter-Hugs' LE

Otters, 'They love a cuddle!'

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